import pydicom
import pydicom_seg
import SimpleITK as sitk


For writing DICOM-SEG files, some information besides the segmentation data is needed in order to fully comply to the DICOM standard. On the one hand, some information about the content creator and series level DICOM data elements need to be specified. On the other hand, each segment to encode has to be specified including codes for automatical identification of the segmented tissue.

Since this is normally done in advance, before creating DICOM-SEGs automatically, it is recommended to use the web-based editor from the dcmqi project. The resulting metainfo.json file can be loaded using a compatibility importer function:

template = pydicom_seg.template.from_dcmqi_metainfo('metainfo.json')

Multi-class segmentations

Multi-class segmentations can be written using the MultiClassWriter, which has a few customization options available. These options can drastically reduce the generated file size if the segmentation data is very sparse.

writer = pydicom_seg.MultiClassWriter(
    inplane_cropping=True,  # Crop image slices to the minimum bounding box on
                            # x and y axes
    skip_empty_slices=True,  # Don't encode slices with only zeros
    skip_missing_segment=False,  # If a segment definition is missing in the
                                 # template, then raise an error instead of
                                 # skipping it.

Inplane cropping is performed over all segments present in the segmentation data. Since the DICOM standard requires encoded frames to have all the same size, the minimum bounding box of all segments is calculated for the x and y axes.


Inplane cropping is an experimental feature and might not be supported by other frameworks or DICOM viewers.

If enabled, slices which have no annotation present for a given segment can be skipped during encoding. This results in smaller file sizes, because otherwise a frame would be encoded with only zero values.

Exemplary Workflow

In order to illustrate the creation of a DICOM-SEG from segmentation data, a typical image analysis workflow is shown in the following. First, an image is loaded from disk as a SimpleITK.Image.

reader = sitk.ImageSeriesReader()
dcm_files = reader.GetGDCMSeriesFileNames('dir/to/study', '<SeriesInstanceUID>')
image = reader.Execute()
image_data = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image)

At this point some kind of image processing is taking place, maybe a semantic segmentation neural network is applied in order to get the segmentation data.

segmentation_data = process_image(image_data)

Since pydicom_seg expects a SimpleITK.Image as input to the writer, the segmentation data needs to be encapsulated with all relevant information about the image grid. This is very important for encoding the segments and referencing the corresponding source DICOM files.

segmentation = sitk.GetImageFromArray(segmentation_data)

Finally, the actual creation of the DICOM-SEG can be performed. Therefore the source DICOM files need to be loaded with pydicom, but for optimization purposes the pixel data can be skipped.

source_images = [
    pydicom.dcmread(x, stop_before_pixels=True)
    for x in dcm_files
dcm = writer.write(segmentation, source_images)

Alternatively, the file paths can be provided directly to the write method, if no further access to the raw DICOM datasets is required by the user.

dcm = writer.write(segmentation, dcm_files)

The created DICOM dataset can now also be modified, e.g. setting some custom UIDs instead of random generated UIDs, or private tags with additional data. Lastly, the dataset can be stored on disk:


Or the dataset can be directly stored in a research PACS (e.g. Orthanc) using DICOM-Web technology and the Python package dicomweb-client:

from dicomweb_client.api import DICOMwebClient
client = DICOMwebClient('https://<some-pacs-server>')