import pydicom
import pydicom_seg
import SimpleITK as sitk

All readers are stateless and return a result object holding information and data from a DICOM-SEG file. The segmentation data is directly available as a numpy array. However, if you need additional processing, e.g. resampling to a different image grid, then the result objects provide utility functionality to construct a corresponding SimpleITK.Image.

Multi-class segmentations

dcm = pydicom.dcmread('multi-class-seg.dcm')

reader = pydicom_seg.MultiClassReader()
result =

image_data =  # directly available
image = result.image  # lazy construction
sitk.WriteImage(image, '/tmp/segmentation.nrrd', True)

Binary segments

In DICOM-SEG segments are always encoded independently for multi-label segmentations. Instead of a single numpy array or SimpleITK image, multiple segments with their associated segment number are decoded and stored in the result object.

dcm = pydicom.dcmread('multi-label-seg.dcm')

reader = pydicom_seg.SegmentReader()
result =

for segment_number in result.available_segments:
    image_data = result.segment_data(segment_number)  # directly available
    image = result.segment_image(segment_number)  # lazy construction
    sitk.WriteImage(image, f'/tmp/seg-{segment_number}.nrrd', True)

Fractional segments

Fractional segmentations use the same reader as multi-label segmentations, however the decoded data is of a floating point instead of an integer data type.

dcm = pydicom.dcmread('fractional-seg.dcm')

reader = pydicom_seg.SegmentReader()
result =

for segment_number in result.available_segments:
    image_data = result.segment_data(segment_number)  # directly available
    assert isinstance(image_data.dtype, float)